September means a new year of quilting begins and everyone is happy to be back in person at Centennial Hall. The weather is hot and steamy and the mood is buoyant as old friends meet each other at the evening and daytime meetings at Centennial Hall.
It certainly looks like its going to be a busy year. Our theme this year is “Curiouser and curiouser”, inspired by Alice in Wonderland, and the exciting new program aims to broaden our horizons. We have been instructed to “look outside of the box” and discover new techniques and new ways of looking at old favourites.
The meeting included an overview of the new look website as well as details of the upcoming challenges retreats and workshops. Several members displayed their projects completed during the past year and pictures of these are available in the photo section of the website. Also the “Pickle Jar” made a welcome reappearance and several members went home with some swag! Delicious treats were enjoyed by all (remember your mug for future meetings) and some took the opportunity to borrow library books or browse through magazines and some archival photos.
In addition to all of this activity, we were introduced to “Quilty Icebreakers”. These were a lot of fun as many admitted to having collections of quilting related items. The categories were irons, scissors and sewing machines and it seems you can never have too many of any of these. The winners confessed to having 11 irons, 42 pairs of scissors (strictly for quilting) and 14 sewing machines of various ages and types. Wow! Thank you for sharing these pictures of your collections.

(incomplete as some embroidery and rulerwork scissors were forgotten)

great post & great pics!