Every Quilt Tells a Story: A Quilter’s Stash of Wit and Wisdom

Every Quilt Tells a Story: A Quilter’s Stash of Wit and Wisdom book cover

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BQG #260

Every quilt tells a story. There is a universality in those stories as well as in the quilts themselves and the threads that hold them together. In the tradition of Erma Bombeck, Helen Kelley shares her tales of quilts and quiltmaking with trademark charm and wit. This gifted storyteller gathers the snippings, threads, and scraps of everyday life and effortlessly stitches them together to create a narrative to which every quilter can relate. Each piece–from the humorous to the heartwarming–touches your soul and makes you smile, reminding you of your own passion for quilts and the stories they tell. Helen Kelley is an author, instructor, and lecturer, but she is, first and foremost, a quiltmaker. For twenty years, this “Erma Bombeck” of the quilting world has parlayed her passion for all things quilt into her enormously popular “Loose Threads” column in “Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine.”

Fiction, short stories, Helen Kelley

By: Helen Kelley
Barcode/ISBN: 978-0896586239

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